Saturday, 22 October 2011


Profile Director’s

Mr. Luthon Goyary

Mr. Durga Mohan Goyari
Vill. & P.O: Betnapara, Police Station: Bijni, Distract: Chirang, Bodoland, PIN- 783393
Mobile : +91-9577626233 / 9707748157

Email: or
Education: Graduate in Hotel Management and Graduate in B.A.( Political Science)
Whether ST/SC/others : ST ( Boro Community in Assam)
Experience :
v Worked with The Lounge Bar, Le Royal Meriden, Mumbai
v Worked with Cocktails & Dreams
v Presently work Bamboo Incense stick making
v Tribals area Social works

Corporate Identity Number : U51102AS2011PTC010483

National Mission on Bamboo Applications funded by: Plant and Machinery
(i) Bamboo cross cutting machine-2
(ii) Bamboo Round Slicing machine –8
(iii) Bamboo square stick making machine - 15
(v) Bamboo polishing machine – 4
(vi) Drying chamber for sticks and slices - 2
(vi) Bamboo round slicing blade (one set – 4 blades) - 8 sets

Project 10% share by: Bodoland Bamboo Development Board, BTC

Incense stick is a thing, which is made of matured bamboo. It is used to make Agarbati. A huge number of such sticks are required for making ‘Agarbati’ in the concerned unit. Such Agarbati is mostly used in the every household, temple and religious functions. The incense sticks are supplied to the various big agarbati making unit, mainly in Bagalore, Hyderabad nd so on. It is labour intensive process and hence, such venture can generate employment opportunities in the area where venture is located. The bamboo sticks are then shipped to Bangalore, Mysore, Orissa, Calcutta, Chennai, Raipur, Ahmedabad, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Nagpur, Gaya among other towns. Moreover, it is profitable and employment generating venture.

1. Nature of product :- Bamboo Incense Stick making
2. Type of unit :- Micro Enterprise
3. Total project cost :- 34,00,000.00
4. Strength of Manpower :- 120 persons

Durga Mohan Goyari


Goyary Bamboo Marketing Pvt. Ltd

Betnapara, Bijni, Chirang, Bodoland

PIN- 783393, India.

Mobile: 09577626233


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Report on Training

1.Bamboo & Cane Development Institute (BCDI), Agartala, Tripura, India
2 person ( male) 01-01-2008 to 31-06-2008
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, New Delhi-66,India
BCDI, Agartala
Sub: Master craftmen Training

2. Garung Bamboo Training Centre, Balajan Tinali, Kokrajhar, Bodoland, India
35 person ( Female-22 / Male- 7) 14-09-2009 to 13-10-2009
National Mission on Bamboo Applications, TIFAC, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi-16, India
Andhra Pradesh Technology Development and Promotion Centre (APTDC), Hyderabad
Sub: Agarbati stick making

3. Bodoland Children Park, Titaguri, Kokrajhar, Bodoland
Demo for local -14-05-2010 to 07-01-2011
National Mission on Bamboo Applications and MP Lad (Lok Sabha) 5 No. Kokrajhar
Twipra Bamboo & Cane Handicrafts, Agartala, Tripura
Sub:Artisan/ Housing Technology

4. Astha an N.G.O., Udalguri
43 person ( Female- 32 / Male – 11) 06-05-2010 to 05-06-2010
Twipra Bamboo & Cane Handicrafts
Sub:Artisan / skill dev.

5.Garung Bamboo Training Centre, Balajan Tinali, Kokrajhar, Bodoland, India
10 person
Sub: Artisan / skill dev

6.Astha an N.G.O., Udalguri
37 person ( Female- 24 / Male – 12) 27-09-2010 to 26-10 –2010
Twipra Bamboo & Cane Handicrafts
Sub: Artisan / skill dev.

7. M/s. Bodoland Bamboo Enterprise , Betnapar, Bijni, Chirang, Bodoland
02-03-2011 to 01-04-2011
Twipra Bamboo & Cane Handicrafts
Sub: Artisan / skill dev.



Bodoland Bamboo Development Board was notified under Deptt. of Agriculture, Bodoland Territorial Council (under sixth schedule of the Constitution of India in 2003) to the notification of the Bodoland Bamboo Policy on 12th August 2011 and initiative thereon. The Board is headed by a governing body under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Executive Member, Agriculture under the Hon’ble Chief of BTC.


Bodoland Territorial Council (sixth schedule of the constitution of India as amended in 2003) will encourage, promote and support the development of the bamboo sector in a comprehensive manner, through a multidisciplinary, multidepartmental and multi-dimensional integrated approach to provide economic benefits to the people of the Bodoland Territorial Council area.


The objectives of the policy are to support, facilitate and catalyze:
a. Development and implementation of a sustainable community based production model for bamboo with concomitant benefits for non-forest or forest conservation.
b. Development and implementation of an economic development program using bamboo for spurring industrial development.
c. Enhancing employment and income generating opportunities using bamboo as the prime resource.
d. Protection and preservation of ecosystem in BTC areas, especially protection of slopes and riverbanks, and for sustained productivity. Conservation of biodiversity, as a large number of endangered species use bamboo forest as habitat and many take it as part of their diet. All varieties of native bamboo species shall be protected and germplasm preserved.
e. 10 % Incentive Package for Investor given by BTC.

The Market:

The Bodoland Bamboo Policy is predicated on the adoption of market-led community based development and demand driven approaches.
a. Take effective steps for developing local manufacturing capability to encourage local demand and, in turn, increase the effective demand for raw material, and the returns to cultivators.
b. Support plantation on priority of commercially significant species of bamboo.
c. Involve the community in decision making for resource generation and management, and review Bodoland regulatory mechanism that inhibit such people and community centered participation.
d. Promote market led stimulation of bamboo growing as an economic activity by easing existing regulations relating to trade and movement of bamboo to ensure appropriate income generation to growers and extractors.
e. Provide market linkages, information and support to commercial units based on bamboo products in different applications segments.
f. To Provide bamboo Trade license for Notification, the rules made under Indian Forest Act,1927 and the Supreme Court Order, Dated-15-01-1998 in the writ petition (Civil) No. 202 of 2005 and under taken to abide by the same.


The role of the BTC in achieving the above objectives would be that of a facilitator and promoter of activities in each of the areas outlined in the approach. The strategic direction and thrust would be provided by the Bodoland Bamboo Development Board while the community and the private sector would be the implementers of the strategy.
1. Bamboo provides subsistence and livelihood security to communities and it is a part of the cultural, social and economic traditions of the Bodoland. Bodo community based development approach would be adopted for the sector though active participation and involvement of communities under Joint Forest Management (JFM), Bamboo Development Agency under cluster cooperatives of artisans, and other mechanisms. VCDC would also be involved in promotion and development of bamboo.
2. Development of Bamboo as a Resource and Enterprise.

The implantation Partners:

1.National Mission on Bamboo Applications (NMBA), Govt. of India, New Delhi
2.National Bamboo Mission (NBM), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi
3.Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Govt. of India, New Delhi
4.North Eastern Council, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India, Shillong
5.Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi
6.Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, New Delhi
7.Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi
8.Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India, New Delhi
9.National Institute of Design (NID), Ahamebad
10International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing, China
11.Technical Support Group _Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre, Guwahati, Assam under National Bamboo Mission
12.World Bamboo Organization (WBO), USA
13.International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
14.United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
15.The Advisor (Bamboo), Twipra Bamboo & Cane Handicrafts, Twipra, India for founder of BBDB, BTC.

Address of the organization:

Bodoland Bamboo Development Board
Bodoland Territorial Council,

2nd Floor, Directorate of Agriculture,
Kokrajhar -783370, India

Why Invest in Bodoland?

The Bodoland Bamboo Policy 2011 and the Industrial investment promotion scheme 2007, announced by the Bodoland Territorial Council has identified bamboo as principal non-timber forest produce of Bodoland. The BTC has constituted the Bodoland Bamboo Development Board to undertake the integrated development of the Bamboo sector in the Bodoland, with an objective to ensure employment generation and economic development based on available bamboo resources in the BTC. The focus is to develop the technology based applications of bamboo and establish viable enterprises engaged in the production of high value added bamboo based products in the Bodoland.
The BBDB is setting up a Bamboo Park with an estimated investment of Rs. 50 crores. The Park will have Bodoland of the art common facilities that comprises of production processes generic to the enterprises, business development platforms, product development & training centers.
The Bodoland is best positioned to lead the bamboo sector in the country on account of the rich bamboo resources available in the BTC and the large skill base of people who are adept in the various aspects handling of bamboo. To encourage private investment in the BTC, the government offers an attractive package of BTC & central government incentives for enterprises.

Incentive Package for Investment in BODOLAND:

There is a package of Incentives comprising of both the central Govt. and BTC incentives to promote industrial development in Bodoland. The detail of each package is enclosed below. In addition I want to highlight the following:
Zero interest loan from National Mission on Bamboo Applications setup under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India for all machinery. The loan is for a period of five years with one year moratorium.
Land Lease by: BTC.
10% share from Bodoland Bamboo Development Board under BTC (Plan & Non-Plan for BTC).

Incentives under Industrial Investment Promotion (IIP) Scheme 2007

30% Capital Investment Subsidy on plant and machinery without ceiling.
100% exemption of Excise Duty on finished products.
100% Income Tax exemption.
Interest Subsidy @ 3% on working capital loans.
Re-imbursement of 100% insurance premium.
Central Transport Subsidy @ 90% of transport costs of raw materials/finished goods.
Subsidies to service sector, bio-technology and power generating plants up to 10 MW.
Other incentives/benefits
Subsidized cargo tariff on Indian Railway between Bodoland (Kokrajhar, Udalguri) - Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi up to 50% on graded basis.
Prompt and regular clearance of incentives and subsidy claims – BTC up-to-date in payment/ reimbursement of incentives and subsidies.
Fast Track Mechanism to facilitate decisions related to investment proposals.